Zechariah: Priestly Clothing, 3:1-10

Published: Dec. 11, 2016, 10 a.m.

Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Describe the time in your life when you have been the most filthy. What was that like for you? What was the process like to get cleaned up? 2. In the song, “Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas” the lyrics express the desire to have our troubles “out of sight” and “miles away.” What troubles in your life would you like to be out of sight? What solution does the song offer? 3. Read Zechariah 3:1-10. Twice God, not the High Priest, is responsible for removing iniquity (sin). What are the implications? How might this apply to you personally? 4. Which camp do you tend to fall into: #1) Those who may not see yourself as very dirty relative to other people around you, #2) those who believe they can clean themselves up, or #3) those who are so dirty you could never become clean. #4) Some other camp? Why is this the case? How does this text challenge your mindset? 5. Read Hebrews 10:11-14. In what ways is Jesus the ultimate High Priest? How should this impact the way we see: #1) religious rituals and sacrifices, #2) our filthy clothes, #3) our iniquity/sin? 6. If you have had “the Branch” remove your iniquity… in what ways might you be intentional this Christmas about inviting your neighbors, co-workers, family or friends over to sit down and sharing the good news?