When God Seems Dissappointed, Lamentations 3

Published: Oct. 16, 2016, 10 a.m.

Verses: Lamentations 3:1-8, John 9:1-7, 35-41 Reflection Questions: 1. Has there ever been a time when you thought that God was disappointed in you or against you? What did that look like? Why did you feel like that? 2. Where do you think we got an image of a God that is disappointed in us? Where did that come from? Who taught us that? 3. Read John 9:1-5. What does Jesus clearly say about tragedies in our life? Why do you think we have this need to connect dots (ex. “this happened because of this”)? 4. What might we miss when we only try to connect cause and effect in the irritations, frustrations, and tribulations of life? 5. Have someone read John 9:13-41 and then have someone else retell the entire story in their own words. 6. Read verses 35-41 one more time. What do you think Jesus meant from verse 39? This week, how will you respond to the irritations, frustrations, and tribulations that come your way? Ask God to help you face them well.