Resurrection Sunday, John 20:19-31

Published: April 16, 2017, 10 a.m.

Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Share some joys and any challenges you faced over your Easter celebrations. What is something you love or enjoy most about your family and family gatherings? What is something you least enjoy? How do you believe Jesus is wanting to use you or have you grow in any of these situations? 2. Share any stories about missing something that then turned out to be right in front of you or right where it was supposed to be, but you weren’t able to see it. How can this happen in our following of Jesus? What are some things for you that tend to get in the way of seeing and encountering Jesus in your life? 3. When was the first time you remember experiencing Jesus’ presence (if you feel like you haven’t experienced it, explain why you think that is)? What made that moment special and how did it change you? 4. When you think of the power of Jesus, what comes to mind? Are there areas of your life that you’ve not been seeking Jesus’ power, and if so, what are they? Are there areas of your life that you’ve prayed for and are waiting to experience the power of Jesus? As you’ve wrestled with this, what conclusions have you come to, or what has Jesus spoken into your life about it? 5. Would you admit to being guilty of hording your faith and not partnering in Jesus’ purpose for us as His followers? What keeps you from embracing His purpose? How might you be missing encountering the Risen Jesus by not living out His purpose, and what might be one way this week you can live out His purpose of reaching others through you?