Equipped for Obedience, John 14:15-21

Published: March 12, 2017, 10 a.m.

Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. What are some of your (if any) memories of the season of Lent growing up? What were some traditions you may have observed? Do you know why you did what you did? 2. What do you hope to get out of this season of Lent? What would you like God to do in your life or spirit? 3. In John 14:12 Jesus makes an astounding claim that we will do greater works than he has been doing. How do you interpret his statement? Do you believe him when he says this? Why or why not? How do you think he expects us to do that? 4. In verses 15-18 Jesus promises the Holy Spirit. What are some things we discover about the Holy Spirit from Jesus’ words in those verses? 5. Twice in this passage Jesus makes the connection between our love for him and our obedience to his commands. Do you think that comparison is fair? Why or why not? How do statements like that make you feel? 6. In question 3 we asked what we would like God to do for us this Lenten season. What do you think might be one thing God might be asking of us? Are you willing to do that? Why or why not?