Distractions - Genesis 3

Published: May 7, 2017, 10 a.m.

Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. When do you tend to get the most distracted? Share a story about something unexpected/crazy/disastrous that happened when you were distracted. 2. What is the purpose & goal of Satan’s lies & deceptions? What types of situations do you find yourself to be most vulnerable to this and what does this do in our lives? How have you (or could begin to) counter this? 3. How would you describe the way Satan subtly shifts something? What are some of the subtle shifts in your life? (discontent, false-worship, rationalizing, blame, other?) How can fixing your eyes on Jesus, and His life, lead you to believe in the truth vs the lie? 4. How does the good news of the gospel speak into and against the areas of shame, hiding, covering-up, and fear of consequence. Which of these do you tend to most fall into? What truth of the gospel do you need to remind yourself of? 5. Are there any areas in your life that right now you have been feeling ashamed, hiding, covering-up, or feeling fear over? If you’re willing, share this with the group and allow them to speak the truth of the gospel, the good news, into that area of your life. 6. Pray for all these things, and for one another, together as a group.