Why Attend Data Science Conferences? (Sheamus McGovern) - KNN Ep. 92

Published: March 30, 2022, 10 a.m.

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Seamus McGovern. Seamus is the founder of the Open Data Science Conference otherwise known as ODSC. One of the world's leading successful AI conferences. ODSC runs numerous virtual and in person data science conferences around the globe. Seamus also founded ai plus training, which is dedicated to bridging the AI talent gap with on demand live training programs. He's a technologist with over 25 years of experience in software, data engineering and AI. And in our conversation, we dive into how Seamus integrates project management into his life, and how his passion for learning was multiplied when he first found conferences. I happen to be speaking at one of the ODSC events coming up, and I hope you'll join me I'll be there in person. I'd love to meet all of you. I really enjoyed this conversation with Seamus he's fun, he's animated and I think you will too.

Open Data Science website: https://odsc.com/boston/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw3IqSBhCoARIsAMBkTb3sflc3UAtTaUUg2EUlYpnWW2fSmg_HkdacFTFMWU4r6pAnR7-a4RAaAhAVEALw_wcB

Get a free pass to see my Keynote speech sat ODSC East April 21st here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/odsc-east-2022-in-person-and-virtual-talks-and-keynotes-pass-bronze-tickets-301301690467