Where AI Meets Religion and Psychedelics (David Gonzalez) - KNN Ep. 138

Published: Feb. 22, 2023, noon

David “Gonzo” González is an Executive and Data Science professional with well over a decade of experience putting AI and ML into production in mission-critical systems. He co-founded Zeff.ai, acquired in 2020 by DataRobot where he succeeded in bringing a jobs-to-be-done perspective to focus product strategy. He led Zeff.ai as CEO and pioneered transactionally authored training and inference on multi-modal datasets. Gonzo is the primary author of The AI Manifesto for Applied Artificial Intelligence Development and has multiple ML patents. In his free time, he enjoys playing outdoors in the wilds of his adoptive home of Utah with his wife and five children. Gonzo has recently taken a break to pursue a startup combining health and wellness and AI. As a warning, in this episode we touch on sensitive topics like a data centric view of religion and also on plant based medicine. This was an enlightening conversation and I’m grateful for Gonzos candidness and openness. Now on to the interview.