Hello World. Who am I? - KNN Ep. 01

Published: Oct. 28, 2020, 5 a.m.

KNN EP. 01 - This is the first episode of the Ken Jee podcast (Now renamed Ken's Nearest Neighbors)! I talk about who I am, what you can expect from the podcast, and why you'll want to stay tuned for future episodes.

So what is this new podcast thing I’m doing? To put simply, this podcast is a more formalized version of  the interviews that I have been doing on my channel for some time now. I wanted to make them easier to listen to on the go and bring you all increasingly exciting and diverse guests. 

If you aren’t familiar, my name is Ken Jee and I am the head of data science at a sports analytics consulting firm. I am probably better known for my youtube channel though. A staple of my career has been learning through examples. I think there is tremendous power in stories, and this podcast was formulated to bring the most interesting stories I could find about data science, sports analytics, productivity and learning philosophy straight to your ears. Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to bring in some of my idols from data science, sports, and maybe even the authors from some of the books that I’ve read. 

This first podcast episode is named “who am I?” because I have yet to come up with a name. I thought it would be awesome to have the various communities that I am a part of come up with a fitting title. The winner will get a shout out, 30 minutes of my time for data science advice (or just to chat), and a prize based on their region. Comment below with a name, on the twitter post, or on my community post which I have linked below. Hint: I like puns. I would love for you all to be involved in this endeavor with me! 

This podcast will be available on all of the main channels, spotify, apple podcats, etc. and will also have its dedicated youtube channel. I will also have a podcast clips channel for if you only want the juiciest of clips and hottest of takes. 

The first 10 or so episodes will be bulk uploaded at the beginning of November. These are duplicates of the interviews on my youtube channel. From there, it will be a fresh episode every week only available on the platforms I’ve mentioned before. I highly encourage guest recommendations, topics, and feedback to make this the best platform possible. 

Again, thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to learning with you on this fun new journey!