From Rocker to Data Talker (Ale Koretzky) - KNN Ep. 53

Published: June 23, 2021, noon

Special thanks to Allie Miller for introducing me to this guest! I met Ale Koretzky soon after I moved to Hawaii and we became fast friends. I was hooked on the stories that he told me each time we met. From traveling to the US from Argentina to pursue his fascination with signal processing, to landing his band's music video on MTV Latin America, the passion the has for music and machine learning bled into every conversation that we had. I love how Ale can go from laid back and relaxed to intense and passionate instantaneously when he gets excited about an idea. Currently, Ale is the head of machine learning and audio science at Splice where he is a thought leader at the intersection of ML, signal processing, and sound a few things he knows quite a lot about. In this interview, we learn about Ale's experience learning the signal processing field, his music career, and the main reason why some ML projects fail. I hope you enjoy the episode!