Defining People Skills For Data Scientists (Gilbert Eijkelenboom) - KNN Ep. 79

Published: Dec. 22, 2021, noon

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Gilbert Eijkelenboom. As a former professional poker player, you can find Gilbert wherever psychology and data meet. After studying behavioral science, Gilbert has built an amazing consulting career in the data and analytics space. Combining both worlds, Gilbert founded the company MindSpeaking: The human side of data. His training programs help data scientists understand the business, get buy-in from stakeholders, and tell stories with data. Last year gilbert published his best selling book, People skills for analytical thinkers that we will be giving 3 away of today. Just comment below with your favorite part of the episode with a chance to win! 

Today we take a deep dive into our minds. We learn about how gilbert found a passion for his work through his career in poker and consulting, how introspection and reading helped him to change how he interacted with the world, and what batman, the joker, and elephants have to do with how we communicate. I had a great time speaking with Gilbert, and I hope you enjoy the interview!