KDMEO Mini-Episode 3 - Chicago Typewriter ( ) 1

Published: April 12, 2017, 4 a.m.


Due to scheduling issues, we were unable to record about the final episodes of "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo" this week. As punishment, Judy forced Robert to watch the first episode of the new TVN drama, "Chicago Typewriter" (\\uc2dc\\uce74\\uace0 \\ud0c0\\uc790\\uae30), starring Yoo AhIn, Im SooJung and Go GyungPyo.

Judy is cranky about everything in this drama. Judy and Robert are annoyed that the main characters are good at everything they put their minds to. Robert is enamoured with the big foozy magical dog that shows up in the episode. Judy is not at all surprised that Subway was once again a sponsor of this TVN drama.

Next week, Linda will be back and we\'ll finally be talking about the finale of "Weightlifting Kim Bok Joo"! We can\'t wait!


Did you watch "Chicago Typewriter"? What did you think? Is Judy unjustly cranky? \\xa0In which martial arts can you get 17 degrees?\\xa0

Please send us your comments, questions and suggestions!


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The KDMEO\\xa0theme music is \'Cute\', by Bensound (www.bensound.com), and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International.

Audio Credits:

Celine Dion - "The Power of Love"

Aziz Ansari in "Parks and Rec"
