KDMEO Mini-episode 2 - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo ( ) 1

Published: Feb. 1, 2017, 11:24 p.m.


Hey guys! Last Friday, Linda and I recorded our thoughts on episodes 13-14 of\\xa0"Goblin: The Lonely and Great God"\\xa0(\\uc4f8\\uc4f8\\ud558\\uace0 \\ucc2c\\ub780\\ud558\\uc2e0 \\ub3c4\\uae68\\ube44). However, when I listened to the playback, we sounded like Transformers with bronchitis.\\xa0So, many apologies to my co-host, Linda, and to you, our listeners.\\xa0

This week, Robert was our special guest and we talked about the first episode of "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo" (\\uc5ed\\ub3c4\\uc694\\uc815 \\uae40\\ubcf5\\uc8fc), starring Lee SungKyung and Nam JooHyuk.

Robert is enthralled by the music references, which completely went over Judy\'s head. Judy worries if she\'s too old to be the target audience.\\xa0Despite the Mean Girls-ish cliquey bickering, we found Kim Bokjoo (Lee SungKyung) delightful. Jung Joonhyung (Nam JooHyuk) starts off the series as a self-involved douchebag, but that\'s what the drama production intended, right?

Thanks again to Robert, for being a last-minute guest and also being our guest editor this week!\\xa0


Have you watched "Weightlifting Fairy" yet? Did you enjoy it? Be honest, did you actually understand that the characters were saying "swag"? Please tell us @kdramamyeyesout on Facebook, Twitter and Gmail!

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The KDMEO\\xa0theme music is \'Cute\', by Bensound (www.bensound.com), and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International.

Audio Credits:

Vangelis - "Chariots of Fire"

West Side Story - "Cool"

Bruno Mars - "Uptown Funk"

Ray Man Legends OST - "The Spy Who Kicked Me"

Alert sound from "Metal Gear Solid" series

Looney Tunes - "Spike and Chester"
