KDMEO Episode 93 Whats Wrong With Secretary Kim ( ) 3-4

Published: July 18, 2018, 4 a.m.


Are neckties a fetish thing now? Judy and Teresa squirm through episodes 3-4 of \\u201cWhat\\u2019s Wrong With Secretary Kim\\u201d (\\uae40\\ube44\\uc11c\\uac00 \\uc65c \\uadf8\\ub7f4\\uae4c), a TVN Kdrama starring Park MinYoung and Park SeoJoon.

Judy wants to try out a new portmanteau, "squort". It\'s a combination of "squeal" and "snort", to be used in situations that are corny but also make you squeal with delight.

Judy and Teresa furrow their eyebrows at the physically nonsensical way that Miso (Park MinYoung) keeps falling on top of Youngjoon (Park SeoJoon), especially because if it wasn\'t these two characters in this exact situation, there would be lawsuits and calls to HR. Judy can\'t believe that a novelist is getting mobbed by fans at the airport. We are introduced to Youngjoon\'s older brother, Morpheus (Lee TaeHwan), and refuse to learn his actual name.\\xa0



3:25 - Rollercoasters

11:09 - Sometimes Kdrama tropes work!

1:18:49 - Cowboy Bebop


Some Korean terms:

\\uc218\\uace0\\ud588\\uc18c: [soo-go-het-so] an older form of saying "\\uc218\\uace0\\ud588\\ub2e4" [soo-go-het-da], meaning "You\'ve worked hard"; "\\uc18c" [so] is a homonym of "cow", hence the cow doll.

\\uace0\\uadc0\\ub0a8: [go-gwi-nam] shortened form of "\\uace0\\uadc0\\ud55c \\ub0a8\\uc790" [go-gwi-han-nam-ja], meaning "a noble man".

\\ub118\\uc0ac\\ubcbd: [num-sa-byuk] shortened form of "\\ub118\\uc744 \\uc218 \\uc5c6\\ub294 \\uc0ac\\ucc28\\uc6d0\\uc758 \\ubcbd" [num-eul-soo-up-neun-sa-cha-won-eui-byuk], meaning "a wall you can never cross despite your efforts"; lipstick lady uses this term in the episode to describe Youngjoon.

\\ub1cc\\uc139\\ub0a8: [nwe-sek-nam]: shortened form of "\\ub1cc\\uac00 \\uc139\\uc2dc\\ud55c \\ub0a8\\uc790" [nwe-ga-sek-see-han-nam-ja], meaning "a man whose brain is sexy".

\\ud0b9\\uce74: [king-ka]: outdated slang for "the most popular man"; was mostly used in schools.

\\ud038\\uce74: [queen-ka]\\xa0outdated slang for "the most popular woman"; was mostly used in schools.


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