Sunrise Weatherman Sam Mac: "Yes I Do Rescue Cats And Yes I Do Give To Charity And I'm Single"

Published: Sept. 14, 2017, 11:06 p.m.

b'Jodie & Soda speak with Adelaide\'s own Sunrise Weatherman Sam Mac who has returned home to be \'Sambassador\' for the City 2 Bay fun run.

What initially started as a chat to promote the charity run turned into trying to set up Sam Mac with a future wife.

Sam revealed he has a lot to offer the ladies "Yes I do rescue cats and yes I do give to charity and I\'m single"

Jodie "mate the two cat thing isn\'t helping!"

Soda wanted to know if his two beloved cats would be joining him in the City 2 Bay race potentially on a leash but it seems the cats didn\'t make the trip to Adelaide...

"Unfortunately they\'ve had to pull out ones too fat and the other one has RBS which is resting B$%&# face"'