Great American Jewish Cities #13: Cleveland Part I

Published: July 26, 2020, 11:16 p.m.

b"This great city of the Midwest hosted some impressive events, institutions and personalities throughout its Jewish community's long history. Once a center of Reform Judaism with Abba Hillel Silver, it was also home to one of the earliest short lived Yeshivas in the United States when Rav Yehuda Levenberg moved his New Haven Yeshiva to Cleveland.\\nRabbi Israel Porath was the long time Rabbinic leader, but it was Telz Yeshiva and its great leadership that really transformed the town. Rav Elya Meir Bloch, Rav Mottel Katz, Rav Mordechai Gifter, Rav Baruch Sorotzkin and many more transformed Cleveland and the Yeshiva world at large with the aristocracy of Telz. The Telz impact was felt with the founding of the Hebrew Academy by the Dessler Family and the Yavneh Girls school. The great philanthropists of Cleveland included Irving Stone, the Spero brothers and Mendy Klein.\\xa0\\nChassidus struck roots in Cleveland with the Cleveland dynasty, Chabad and even Kaliv.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n\\nSubscribe To Our Podcast on:\\n\\xa0\\nPodBean:\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n\\nFollow us on Twitter or Instagram at @Jsoundbites\\nYou can email Yehuda at\\"