Black Swan - From Darkness to Light

Published: June 17, 2013, 12:38 a.m.

Black Swan is a movie about moving through unworthiness and self hatred, moving from darkness to light. It's about embracing all parts of ourself and going all the way.

The movie looks at what ACIM refers to as "the face of innocence" and seeing what is underneath it ; attack. And it's about accepting it and not denying it in order to reach the light.

This movie encourages the need to look within at the full extent of the self hatred and to see the innocence of it. We can't keep hiding behind a mask. We have to look at it.

Another major theme in this movie is the undoing of specialness.. Nina is holding herself back because of this specialness and trying to please. As long as she wants to be the good girl she is held back from who she truly is. We also see her unconscious thoughts coming up via the other dancer, to help free her from this block.

The theme of competition is also a major one in this movie. Being the number one dancer is pivotal to Nina's sense of being loved.

It's so scary for the ego if we keep stepping up into our function. The ego will constantly try to pull you back into littleness and does not want you to be seen because hiding is the way the ego is protected.

There is a fear of following the Spirit's prompts because of our fear of love. And if we fail to follow it is not about a guilt trip but just seeing that what is preventing us from following is the fear of love that we can give over and over to Spirit in order for it to be undone.

You can see how much focus you need and how careful you need to be not to bite on any distracting thoughts. For example, "It's my fault." or " I cannot shine because someone else will be in darkness."

In truth as you shine , you take everyone with you and that is true empathy, true freedom.

Nina's mother represents a part of her mind that does not want her "Black Swan" to come out. This part wants to control her and have her stay small. And it can also be a block to blame another for this. It must be seen as part of our own mind that is afraid of the light.