77. 1,000 Days of Celibacy : Sex Is Cool, Chasing Dreams Is Better

Published: March 25, 2021, 8 a.m.


Have you gone long periods of time without hooking up with someone and thought to yourself \\u201cWhat am I doing wrong?\\u201d Have you ever compared yourself to your friends who always seem to pop from one relationship to the next and you think "why aren\\u2019t I?" Have you ever wondered if you were EVER going to find \\u201cthe perfect match\\u201d or maybe it seems like it\\u2019s never going to happen? Listen here folks, if there\\u2019s anyone that gets it\\u2026 it\\u2019s ya boy BOBBBAAAAY!


I\\u2019m here to reassure you beautiful people that you\\u2019re smart, you\\u2019re unique and it\\u2019s NOT YOU\\u2026 it\\u2019s the world buying you more time for yoooself!


Today I want to talk about what I learned from going 1000+ days without hooking up with any woman.


Topics :

  • 1000+ days of celibacy created the space for me to double, triple & quadruple down on myself
  • Every ounce of time, energy & emotion was reinvested into my ideas and what I thought I wanted to do with my life
  • Some of the biggest lessons I learned :\\xa0
    • (1) Sex Is Cool, Chasing Dreams Is Better : I sacrificed short-term pleasure for long-term purpose driven fulfillment and I wouldn\\u2019t have it any other way because it gave me the space, time & energy to double down on myself.
    • (2) Our Happiness Is Not Found In Someone Else : Having that significant other should only enhance our happiness\\u2026 it shouldn\\u2019t be our lifeline or the only way to put a smile on our face. Taking the time to find what makes US happy will allow us to then share it with a special someone when the time is right.
    • (3) We\\u2019re The Creator Of Our Story : We control whether we see a moment or situation in our life as something negative or positive. Instead of thinking I was unattractive or not intelligent because I wasn\\u2019t attracting women to me, I flipped the script and realized I was just busy doubling down on myself.


Challenge for the listeners

  • Did any lesson resonate or sting the most? Pick one, grab a piece of paper / open your notes app and get reeeeeal
    • What changes can or should you make to better yourself & where you\\u2019re headed?


Questions from The BMC

  • Sofia Kunz - Can \\u201cpersonal growth\\u201d be a subconscious defense mechanism to a romantic relationship?
  • Src4.03 :\\xa0 Topic = balance. How much is one willing to sacrifice? External influence helps shape one\\u2019s growth


Review of the Week

  • Dhajaka


Book Recommendation

- Relentless by Tim Grover


Got a topic / question you want me to cover? Hit me UP on IG @Bobbbaaaay

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  • Leave a 5 star review on the podcast app with your hot take of the show
  • Share out the episode on your IG story tagging me @Bobbbaaaay


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