113. Vulnerability Is a Strength : Humans Deal With Every Emotion Possible, Youre Not Alone

Published: Aug. 5, 2021, 8 a.m.


Do you hold back expressing how you feel because you\\u2019re afraid of what people might think or say? Have there been times when you get anxious or overwhelmed because you have something on your mind but are afraid to speak up? Are you hesitant to be your most authentic self because of what society might say?

Today I want to talk about the importance of being vulnerable. By sharing how I actually feel, I take off all the weight on my shoulder an am able to clear my mind of whatever thoughts are in my head. Being vulnerable is absolutely crucial for my mental health and overall well-being.

\\u201cVulnerability is terrifying. The courage it takes to reveal your heart is one of the most daunting and yet rewarding experiences in life. It will set you free\\u201d - The Better Man Project

Three Principles For Being Vulnerable

  • (1) Humans deal with every emotion possible. Whatever wanted or unwanted emotions we\\u2019re dealing with today, we must remind ourselves that it\\u2019s okay and that this too shall pass in time.
  • (2) Finding a medium to express our emotions is incredibly important. There is no right or wrong way to do it, what\\u2019s important is that we find a medium that allows us to transfer these emotions out of your mind and body
  • (3) Ignore the negativity that comes your way from being vulnerable. The best way to fight it is by keeping our head held high, expressing love back & letting opinions in one ear and out the other.


Questions From The Bearded Man Community

  • Jewell : Stereotypical men struggle with vulnerability in relationships. Why and how can women encourage it?
  • Rugtomize : Perservance
  • Orlystory : Communication skills


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