If All the Seas Were Ink: A Memoir by Ilana Kurshan

Published: May 9, 2018, 5 a.m.


This week\\u2019s podcast features Ilana Kurshan\\u2019s memoir If All the Seas Were Ink. Originally written in English, the text translates the study of the Daf Yomi, or \\u201cDaily Page,\\u201d of the Talmud, into a life story. The Talmud is the main book of rabbinic teachings spanning about 600 years. It is the basis for all codes of Jewish law. The memoir begins in the wake of a painful divorce, when Ilana decides to begin this 7 \\xbd year long study, one page at a time.

More info on Bar Ilan\'s Writing Conference.

Text: Ilana Kurshan, If All The Seas Were Ink. A memoir. St. Martin\\u2019s Press, 2017.
