Island Conversations #116--Dental care for keiki and adults, with Dr. Steven Pine and Dr. John Gawlick

Published: Dec. 21, 2020, 12:15 a.m.

Dental care is an integral part of overall medical care.  But there's much less discussion about dental care than general health care.  Questions like, what kind of toothbrush is best,  when should you start cleaning your keiki's teeth and when should they first see a dentist, why flouridated water or toothpaste, are electric or manual brushes better, what kinds of health conditions affect the mouth and vice versa, can a dentist see medical problems before we're aware of them?  Can a dentist tell if a woman is hapai (pregnant) because of her teeth?  Can you still see the dentist in the time of COVID?  Dr. Steven Pine, DDS, and Dr. John Gawlick, a pediatric dentist, both with West Hawaii Community Health Center, address that and more in a discussion with Island Conversations host Sherry Bracken. Air date:  Dec. 20, 2020 Attached photo courtesy American Dental Association, photos below of Dr. Steven Pine (l) and Dr. John Gawlick (r) provided by West Hawaii Community Health Center