Me, a co-interviewee

Published: Feb. 18, 2021, 7 a.m.

In this, the quarter century episode (that's 25), we finally broke our Anglo-American guest monopoly and spoke to Miyako, a Japanese person! Miyako is also an actual member of the actual Japanese actual government, and joined us from her current location of New York City, the Big Apple, the home of Trump Tower (more on him towards the end of the episode).  Casey zoned out as we talked football, zoned back in as we briefly touched on pizza, or at least the topic of... It was enlightening to hear about Miyako's work in NYC and her role as a government official, and heartening to discuss the future of women in the Japanese working landscape. Just FYI she spoke for the perfect amount of time, unlike Joe who always goes on for ages in meetings. We quizzed her knowledge of all things NUFC, while simultaneously testing Casey's descriptive skills, and we heard her New York-based cultural mis-communication. Thanks to Miyako for joining us and being our first Japanese guest!