ICFRC: Health Care: Lessons from Abroad

Published: Aug. 24, 2017, 10 a.m.

Dr. Damiano received his BS from the University of Iowa in 1982, and his DDS from Iowa in 1986. He received his MPH from the University of California in 1990. Dr. Damiano joined the UI College of Dentistry in 1990. In 1993, Dr. Damiano received a Certificate from the Robert Wood Johnson Dental Health Services Research Scholar Program, and a Certificate in Public Health Service, AACPR Primary Care Policy Fellowship.

Through his work as Director of the UI Public Policy Center, Dr. Damiano studies access to and quality of primary health services. He is conducting studies in the areas of health care reform, health insurance coverage, health disparities, and health care for the uninsured. He is the author of more than 200 journal articles and has been the principal investigator on more than 75 funded research studies.

Through the UI Public Policy Center he regularly shares research findings with policymakers and the public through talks and symposia to help them understand the nuances of challenging policy issues. With all the changes underway in the financing and delivery of health care in the U.S., many are looking to models in other countries for ideas. Dr. Damiano will provide an overview of the financing and delivery of care in the U.S., and several other industrialized countries. Included in this discussion will be the advantages and disadvantages of these different approaches and what lessons we might be able to learn from the experiences of these countries.

For more information on the Iowa City Foreign Relations Council visit icfrc.org.