83: My Name is not Johnny Droptables

Published: Sept. 9, 2015, 4:30 p.m.

b"Tweet Shoutouts\\n\\n\\n@iOhYesPodcast Length is fine! More rants!— Rauli Rikama (@raulirikama) September 3, 2015\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n@iOhYesPodcast I actually have a zip library too (UnzipKit). Don\\u2019t let the name fool you, it zips also https://t.co/nDppHOge6Y— Dov Frankel (@DovFrankel) September 4, 2015\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n@AshtonDev Thanks for the quick PRs to add Mac OS X support to ZipUtilities. // cc @iOhYesPodcast— Nolan O'Brien (@NolanOBrien) September 5, 2015\\n\\n\\n \\n\\nNote: He actually added Mac OS X Framework, iOS Dynamic Framework, Carthage and CocoaPods support!\\n\\n\\nNote: The conference Ashton spoke at that Darryl mentioned is DevWorld. He spoke about designable and inspectable views. Ashton\\u2019s slides/code can be found here: https://github.com/Ashton-W/devworld-designables\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nDiscussion\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWhat are some nice patterns or not-so-nice anti-patterns/bugs you notice in iOS apps? How can devs go about fixing those problems?\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nNolan notices\\n\\n\\nRequiring login/signup to use the app\\n\\n\\nMy wife\\u2019s personal pet-peeve\\nOld Fab.com app vs Zappos app\\n\\nSuboptimal table views\\n\\n\\nStuttering\\n\\n\\nGet off the main thread: includes networking and UIImage rendering\\n\\nContent flashing in once it scrolls into view\\n\\n\\nPrefetch content before it comes on screen: can be easy with table view buffering\\n\\n\\nRequesting all permissions on first app launch with no context!\\n\\n\\nOn demand prompting\\nInterstitial\\n\\n\\nEven better: don\\u2019t indicate they will be prompted, rather outline the feature and why it needs the permissions and have the user explicitly ask to grant permissions (Periscope does something like this )\\n\\nExample: (User selects post a photo) Prompt says something like: \\u201cA picture is worth a thousand words. We\\u2019d like for you to be able to share any of you iPhone\\u2019s photos. By enabling us to access your photo library, you can choose from photos you already have to share with friends and family.\\u201d Below is a empty checkmark with text \\u201cEnable access to photo library\\u201d and below that is a \\u201cClose\\u201d button. Hitting the checkmark will ask for access and user knows exactly why they were prompted. Hitting close will save the setting as \\u201con\\u201d or \\u201coff\\u201d based on if the checkmark was successfully checked.\\n\\n\\nChad notices\\n\\n\\nSocial login (FB/Twitter) only to ask for username/password/email afterward anyway\\nBad pull-to-refresh implementations (Apple, Twitter)\\n\\nDarryl notices\\n\\n\\nLack of accessibility\\nNot conforming to the design language of the platform (Note that I didn\\u2019t say HIG)\\nRe-inventing system-provided controls/mechanisms for the provider\\u2019s gain, not the user\\u2019s\\nFacebook/Twitter/SocialMediaX sign-in as the only option\\nCrappy validation. Example: + is perfectly legal in email addresses\\nCollecting address book information to build a social graph\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPicks\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nChad\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nReverse-Engineering iOS Apps: Hacking on Lyft\\nRecall - new iOS Game by Chad\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nDarryl\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nProtocol Oriented Programming in the Real World - Matthew Palmer talks about his experience rewriting Locksmith to be Protocol-oriented.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nNolan\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nGitHub - nixzhu/Proposer - Proposer - Swift 1.2 project for asking for permission\\nRacing the Beam - By Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost\\n\\n\\nPlatform Studies - MIT Press\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nAlternative show title suggestions\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nChad\\u2019s Right\\nMy Two Favorite Words\\nI agree with Chad\\nStop Crapping Up Your Apps"