Video - Tooth Mass Analysis: The Key to Ideal Functional and Esthetic Invisalign Treatment

Published: Aug. 31, 2012, 2 a.m.

b"Precise tooth measurements and their interrelationships are considered to be one of the keys to accurate orthodontic diagnosis. Studies have reported the presence of significant tooth size discrepancies as high as 70% within the population seeking orthodontic treatment. Why then do so many dental professionals neglect to take this into consideration during the treatment planning process? Join Dr. Douglas Brandt, Staff Orthodontic Manager at Align Technology's Treatment Facility as he shares essential information on how to leverage Align's ClinCheck software to quickly and accurately identify tooth size discrepancies for your Invisalign patients. Attendees will walk away with the understanding of how to request a tooth mass analysis from your Invisalign technician and how to effectively start integrating this vital information during your ClinCheck treatment planning to ensure ideal functional and esthetic Invisalign outcomes."