Video - To Start or Not to Start? Secrets to Invisalign Patient Selection

Published: Jan. 22, 2011, 4 a.m.

b'With experience, doctors can use Invisalign to treat the majority of adult and teen patients, however many doctors find themselves asking the question "How do I know if this patient is a good one to treat with Invisalign"? Join Dr Ben Miraglia as he takes the mystery out of Invisalign patient selection. Focusing on the ability of Invisalign to develop proper arch form and proper arch width primarily through expansion, Dr Miraglia will share his sure-fire steps to evaluate patients from the outset to help you gain the confidence to know that you can achieve excellent clinical results without using more advanced techniques such as extraction. If you are looking to increase your Invisalign patient starts in 2011 and confidently recommend Invisalign to the right patients, this is a program you will not want to miss.'