They Said it Couldn't Be Done! "How to Build a Thriving Invisalign Practice No Matter Where You Reside"

Published: Feb. 26, 2016, 8 a.m.

b'Are you struggling to understand why your Invisalign case starts seem stalled or nonexistent? Do you believe that your practice location is limiting the ability to attract Invisalign patients? Well look no further for these answers and join Dr. Eddy Sauer as he shares his journey on building a successful and thriving Invisalign practice in a small market town. During the webinar attendees will learn strategies to identify cases that are currently in your existing patient base. Understanding the hygienist\\u2019s role in diagnosing malocclusion will be covered along with implementing systems that create efficiency throughout the Invisalign process. If you\\u2019re looking to grow your Invisalign cases starts and don\\u2019t have the solution then make sure to attend this informative webinar.'