Restorative Treatment Planning using ClinCheck Pro with 3D Controls

Published: June 25, 2014, 9:11 p.m.

b'Do you ever get frustrated trying to communicate a tooth movement request to your technician? Wouldn\\u2019t it be great if you could just grab that tooth and move it to the position that you wanted? With the introduction of ClinCheck Pro you can do just that with more precise control. Join Dr. Ben Miraglia as he introduces interactive 3D Controls and how it can be used to set up restorative cases in ClinCheck. During the presentation participants will learn how this new tool can be utilized to treat a multitude of restorative cases including veneers, crowns and implants. If you\\u2019re looking for greater precision in your restorative cases, you won\\u2019t want to miss this exciting seminar.'