Look What I Can Do With My iTero Scanner

Published: Aug. 2, 2013, 7 p.m.

b'Are you considering moving into the digital era of scanning? Does the thought of eliminating your impression material and achieving optimal fit for several types of appliances and restorations sound intriguing? Well look no further as Dr. Perry Jones will discuss the benefits of utilizing the iTero Scanner for full arch cases with Invisalign and several other restorative procedures that present in your office each day. Case studies will be presented to demonstrate how the "open" platform of ITero scanning can be used with treatments for single unit restorations, multiple units, inlays, onlays, veneers as well as implants. Participants will learn the benefits of iTero as it relates to Invisalign cases and how third party providers can merge iTero scans with other files to be utilized for implants, surgical guide construction and implant placement. If you\\u2019re looking to move your practice into the high tech world of digital scanning then you won\\u2019t want to miss this webinar.'