Audio - The Essential Guide to ClinCheck Treatment Planning and Communication

Published: Feb. 18, 2012, 3 a.m.

b'When treatment planning for Invisalign, have you found yourself asking any of the following questions, "How do I ask for that in ClinCheck?", "What am I looking for in this ClinCheck?" or "Is this the best way to treatment plan for this case?". If so, you have come to the right place. Join Dr. Ben Miraglia for this "must see" webinar as he takes the fear out of ClinCheck treatment planning. Focusing on the most typical patient cases that present in a GP office, Dr. Miraglia will compare different ClinCheck options for the same patient, clearly explaining the pros and cons of the various treatment approaches. Tips for effective communication with your Invisalign technician will also be covered in detail. If you are looking for essential tips that can help take the mystery out of the Invisalign treatment planning process and ensure that you get the clinical outcomes you expect, this is a program you will not want to miss.'