400th Show! A Psychic Reading & Meditation for My Listeners

Published: Aug. 11, 2016, 6 p.m.

Special Program Alert: To celebrate my 400th show, I will be taking live calls today and answering your questions. If you would like a psychic reading- call in at 11:00 a.m., PST with your very specific question/life concern that you would like some Intuitive Coaching help with.  Love the program? Would you like to give back? Donate to the Intuitive Coaching with Amy Radio show here: http://www.intuitivecoachingwithamy.com/radio.html Show Description: Transformative intuitive guidance to create the life of your dreams. Join Amy Tammen for in-depth conversations on how to live an amazing life. Each episode will give you the guidance to heal, manifest your desires, live in your truth and grow into the person you've always wanted to be. You deserve to live well. Amy will show you the way.  Want more Intuitive Coaching? Book a session with Amy by calling 510-735-9493 or visit http://www.intuitivecoachingwithamy.com/work-with-amy.html. Read Amy's bestselling ebook "A Journey to Self-Love". To purchase visit:  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PKI8Z3G Sign-up for Amy's mailing list to receive a free goal accomplishment tool: http://www.intuitivecoachingwithamy.com/