Episode 12: To GoT or Not to GoT?

Published: April 11, 2019, 10 a.m.

Judy hasn’t see Game of Thrones?! Why? Amanda, Stephanie, and Virginia try to find out and then convince her it’s worth watching as the series comes to its long-awaited conclusion.

This is not the show to watch when you’re winding down your day. It’s not one to watch when you don’t like gratuitous sex and intense violence. It’s not a show for those who want everyone to live. Not for dog-lovers. So why watch it? Here’s a few reasons: Jamie Lannister, power dynamics, assassin, bad-ass women, dragons, Daario Naharis, and Jon Snow. Let’s not forget epic battles, costumes, and fantastic character relationships.

You know nothing, Judy Samuels, but you will. So sayeth Queen Introvert of the House Indoors, First of Her Name, the Comfortable, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Comfy Couch, Eater of Pizza, and Mother of Podcasts.