Episode 51 - Bring Back Old Cinderella

Published: June 11, 2013, 2:15 a.m.

b"The Cast: Christine Warner, Michael Montanez, Ian Mitchell, Gary O'Brien & John Yaglenski\\n\\n- Crazy Eddie's Chistmas in May\\n\\n- Twitter rumours involving helecopters and Harrison Ford got out of control - of course not true.\\n\\n- #RunICOT - Expedition Everest Challenge. \\xa0Christine said it didn't live up to last years event.\\n\\n- Disney Parks to Kick Off a \\u2018Monstrous Summer\\u2019 With 24 Hours of Magic on Both Coasts. New parade in 2014.\\n\\n- More cool merchandise is on the way - Duffy the Disney Bear Sully.\\n\\n- Vinylmation jumping the shark?\\n\\n- Limited Time Magic vs. Year of a Million Dreams and a Castle Stay Mention\\n\\n- John gets our new segment Take It or Leave It!\\n\\n- Update of Disney Magic - cool new stuff on the way.\\n\\n- MonsterRail\\n\\n- Time is now to update Reflections of Earth\\n\\n- INTERCOT's Take It or Leave It - Limited Time Events. \\xa0John - Leave It, not a fan. Ian agrees with John - Leave It. \\xa0Michael is digging Limited Time Events and says Take It. Christine says Leave It - even locals don't have enough notice to make plans. \\xa0Gary says it's useless and Leaves It. \\xa0The tribe has spoken ant it's 4-1 Leave It.\\n\\n- Ian's Trip Re-Cap"