Tyrant's Grasp 8 -(Dead) Road Trip

Published: March 5, 2021, 5:01 a.m.

b"With our most difficult task to date completed, it is time to begin our long journey home. There are always\\xa0things intent on getting in our way, however. Nothing can ever be made simple or easy for us.\\nAs always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at\\xa0InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com\\xa0if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at\\xa0InspiredIncompetence.com\\xa0and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on\\xa0Patreon\\xa0to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!"