Insanity Check: This is Not Normal

Published: Jan. 29, 2017, 12:53 a.m.

Normally the first Insanity Check back from a break would be a long episode and with everything going on in Trump's America, you'd think so. But just the opposite here. With everything going on we kinda wanted to do a shorter less structured show because...well, everything has just been so much.  Topics: Best Buy is Terrible If you aren't reading Comic Books, now is the time to start Hydra Captain America is so relevant to Trump's America The importance or seeing PoC in important comic books right now Balancing laughing at Trump with the horrors of Trump List of terrible Trump Executive Orders in only a week Trump says he will prioritize Christian refugees  Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries he does business with  Paul Ryan's lack of a spine  Elizabeth Warren gives a terrible reason she voted for Carson to head HUD Corey Booker's "pep" speech that doesn't help Great Moments in....Black Privilege? Black Barber changes white guy's life Black Woman Shoutout  I Need Diverse Games -  a non-profit organization dedicated to further diversifying the gaming industry through helping people get to the Games Developer Conference, we're developing a mentorship program and through sharing marginalized creators work via our channels. Right now our only funding is our Patreon, [] and if we can reach our next funding milestones, we can be viable and do things like give travel grants to events like GDC in addition to the full access passes we get as part of the GDC Scholarship program. We also do a weekly podcast talking about issues of diversity and intersectionality in gaming. Fresh Out of Tokens.  site:  Twitter: @INeedDivGms Patreon: tumblr: Facebook: Ego Branding & Consulting  -  a full service branding and consulting firm that aims to help small businesses and entrepreneurs navigate the business world by providing them with the network and support they need to grow and develop their brand owned and operated by myself and my business partner.  Joyhdae C. Albert (646) 470-5351 (office) Dreams Deferred Designs  Guests:  Dillon - Twitter Stitcher Alternatives RssRadio & Overcast for iOS BeyondPod & Podcast Addict for Android Sponsors: Sign up for Loot Crate through our affiliate link! using the code ‘reviews’ to get 33% off & free shipping. The Poole Law Firm - "Solutions, not excuses..." Shop at our Amazon Store to support the site Contact Us: MTrailerReviews@MovieTrailerReviews.Net Check us out on Youtube Twitter – @InsanityReport & @MTrailerReviews