All The Idiot King's Men - INSANITY CHECK #593

Published: Jan. 13, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

b'%CODE_IC593%\\n\\nWe\'re back with a new episode of the Insanity Check. This week Kriss is joined by Dpalm so you know this show is going to go off the rails. But we actually keep it pretty civil. Kriss doesn\'t even troll Dpalm about Georgia\'s collapse in the National Championship Game. He\'s a good friend.\\n\\nTopics:\\n\\n \\tThank you to all our supporters\\n\\n \\tTickets for our LA Black Panther viewing are still available\\n\\n\\n \\tDeadpool 2 moves up its date\\n \\tGambit loses its third director & New Mutants gets delayed 10 months (not good folks, not good)\\n \\tTrump confuses Haiti\\xa0 and African Nations for his own mouth and calls them a "shithole"\\n \\tAt this point, the real problem with Trump are all the shitty people around him (Pence, Paul Ryan, Stephen Miller)\\n \\tNo, we don\'t need (or really want) Oprah as President\\n \\tRapid Fire Quick rants\\n\\n \\t#MeToo has no real consequences for shitty men\\n \\tAustralian birds have discovered fire\\n \\tTime for homophobic & transphobic folks to show their work: How does the LGBTQ community have "more rights" than black people?\\n\\n\\n \\tDo You Even Sci-Fi Bro?\\n\\n \\tMale sexbots are coming'