#587: A Noun, A Verb & Hillary Clinton

Published: Oct. 28, 2017, 7:35 p.m.

This week Kriss is joined by Dalbin Osorio, candidate for Montgomery County Council District 1. Dalbin talks with Kriss about how his upbringing led to his focus on Social Work, the challenges residents in Montgomery County face, the fight for increasing minimum wage, better educational choices for students and more. This was a great episode that you're not going to want to miss out on. Topics: Running for Montgomery County Council Why the minimum wage needs to be raised Why the idea of the "self made millionaire" is a myth Students need better education, schools and the tools to succeed in life Mark Halperin is another Harvey Weinstein Trump is incredibly stupid Transcript of Trump's speech The video Jeff Flake is a coward as are most of the republicans quitting after causing Trump Do You Even Sci-Fi Bro Robot that once said it would destroy all humans is now granted citizenship Great Moments in White Privilege Terance Crutcher's murderer gets her record expunged.  %CODE_IC587% Guest Dalbin A. Osorio 2018 Democratic Candidate for Montgomery County Council www.dalbinosorio.com Twitter: @DO4MoCoCouncil Instagram: @dosorio2018 Facebook: facebook.com/osorio2018 Become a Patron! Sponsors: Sign up for Loot Crate through our affiliate link! TweakedAudio.com using the code ‘reviews’ to get 33% off & free shipping. Shop at our Amazon Store to support the site Contact Us: MTrailerReviews@MTRNetwork.Net Check us out on Youtube Twitter – @InsanityReport & @TheMTRNetwork