IBM Social Business: What is in it for me?

Published: Nov. 2, 2012, 7 a.m.

Peter Funke is an Executive Consultant with IBM Software Group’s global sales operations. He presently leads a team which engages with IBM’s large customer base to develop the business cases for deploying social business. Peter and his team engage over fifty customers a year in complex business transformations. He actively works across all industries and functional areas (sales, support, HR, product development, etc) to make visible to his clients their most compelling investment options. Peter also leads a development team that is building visualization tools and techniques to speed adoption of IBM’s emerging technology solutions. The IBM Experience Modeler and IBM’s Business Value Assessment (BVA) method were both built from the ground up under Peter’s leadership. The IBM Experience Modeler provides a means to rapidly prototype and depict complex business processes as they will operate when using the latest Web 2.0 tools from IBM and the marketplace. The BVA is a fast path to building a business case that complements the visual models. This combination provides the organizational consensus needed by most organizations to commit to the significant changes that social business introduces. Peter started his career with IBM in Cleveland, Ohio as a sales representative for IBM’s large systems. He has fifteen years of sales and sales management experience, as well as management experience in IBM’s CIO office where he lead a transformation team that deployed IBM’s first world-wide CRM systems. He has also led services and consulting practices in CRM systems and Systems Management before starting his current practice 10 years ago. Peter has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Princeton University in social psychology. In addition to extensive IBM management training, he has completed several business management programs in financial and senior management issues at Harvard University, Babson College and Wharton School of Management.