Mystery Schools

Published: April 2, 2009, 5:11 p.m.

Was Camelot real?
How does the Buddhist teaching of the three refuges (jewels) relate to Camelot?
What is the meaning of the quest for the Holy Grail?
What did the thirteen original colonies of America symbolize?
What were the mystery schools?
How are the communities of Crotona, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Jesus, Sufis and the Dalai Lama related?
What is the ascended master ideal for government?
How does the science of the spoken Word help the world become more spiritual?
How do you reconcile the need for change with your spiritual integrity?

     "This concept of the mystery school has been at the heart of those orders within all of the world's great religions that have preferred
a more intense relationship with God. You have the Sufis of Islam, you have the Gnostics and the Essenes of early Christianity, and you
have those who take the path of the priest or nun--those who tie themselves to holy orders because they are enamored of the mysteries
of God for the very love of God himself.
      I see Camelot, then, as a school of the ancient mysteries, where Merlin came as a representative of the Brotherhood to teach Arthur,
Launcelot, Guinevere and all of the knights and ladies of the flame about the flame of life, the inner meaning of life on earth and the path
that leads to the ascension by soul liberation."

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