
Published: July 29, 2020, 8:30 p.m.

Dazed and confused. There are so many new challenges that we are facing today and I’m feeling a tad vulnerable. The calling to stand up and make use of the tools I have is strong. The inner turmoil of thinking V feeling, is leaving me conflicted and overwhelmed and creates more questions than answers. I’m allowing myself to have the space I need to sit with and Be, not trying to articulate my feelings or box it nice and neatly. Life can be messy and confusing at the best of times. I feel the current flow of life for us all is about being overwhelmed with what is happening in the world. Mass hysteria and the misinformation from mainstream media, creating fear, that is trying to control our movement within borders whilst simultaneously eroding our human rights. Economic and political unrest, pointing fingers and our need to blame or hold someone accountable is dividing us further. I feel we need this shake up to help us wake up to what is really going on behind the scenes. Humanity needs a shift and we can’t do that if we are not willing to see what else is possible. I don’t have the answers, we can only discover this when we have open conversations about ways forward. We are in a time of deep questioning, of learning and of growth. With these feelings I went in search of answers and came across many likeminded souls.

Charles Eisenstein was one man that I was introduced to through a podcast and at the time hubby was reading his book, Sacred Economics. Everything this man says resonates with me. As a result Inner Nut Shell and A Reality Few-Sea have signed up as affiliate partners to assist in spreading his powerful message of hope and change through his course.

Political Hope with Charles Eisenstein is a 10-day, in-depth social impact course that merges the spiritual and political, the personal and communal. This course examines how our thoughts, choices, and perceptions intertwine with the fate of our civilization. Individually and collectively, we are on a journey from a story of separation to a new, yet ancient, story of reunion: ecology, interdependency, interbeing.

If this resonates sign up by following this link