Pet Lovers, Dogs: Parvita Siregar

Published: Aug. 19, 2021, 11:10 a.m.


Parvita and her dogs everyday routines as follows. AM: Waking up, everyone down the stairs and do their number one and possibly number two at their designated spaces, Parvita cleans up after them. Taking a 30mins run with the two dogs. Second outing: walk with the third dog, being an older dude that he is. Breakfast for the four of them. Long day ahead for Parvita (house chores-working-life stuffs), while the dogs are taking their first nap of the day. PM: Lunch at 3PM, backyard-outing for all three, and then another nap. 


And here are some of the things that you need to be familiar with before deciding to caring for dogs or perhaps other pets:

  1. Keep their diet as healthy as possible so you won't have to worry about their old age illness and live longer healthy life.
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  3. Choose the right breed that suits your energy level-your home size-even your Air Conditioner situation should you go for Siberian Husky breed (although I think everyone should also be informed that having an 'Anjing Kampung' usually also means that you will have a hardcore super healthy breed in their lifetime along with littler maintenance and you don't succumb to 'those non-responsible breeders').
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  5. Owning 'Anjing Kampung' also means fewer efforts for all their grooming needs.
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  7. Perhaps Omega 3 and Glucosamine intake and used only as needed. 
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  9. Annual veterinarian check up along with their annual vaccines shots.
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  11. Once every three months, administered flea drops to their fur. 
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Having an 11 years old who is so crazy about having dog also meant that I need to dig deeper and oh so glad for all the new insights to owning a pet (or three) by listening to Parvita dogs' stories. We had a great time talking about dogs and I can say that I should also be thanking Sumi, Rubi and Choki for sharing your lives with us tonight!  Keep being loyal and fun as dogs should and hopefully our tonight discussion is also an eye-opener for you too. Please follow Sumi Lauradewi in Instagram: @sumianjingkecil
