Perempuan & Karir Part 2

Published: July 13, 2021, 9:12 a.m.


With the immense informations coming and going through social media along with the #MeToo movements, we can no longer stereotyping that women in workspace are all X, and then women who chose to be a solid home maker is definitely act like a Y. In this episode of Ini Bukan Diskusi, we are trying to get out of those small-mindedness. Yet we did not stop there, there is also discussions about men in the workspace and men who are also a home maker. We were initially not ready to break the common misconceptions but yet here we all are. Hopefully we gain some new colors to our rainbows as nothing is definite and life is always changing. The question is, are you ready? Co-host: Nina Setyawati and Parvita Siregar. 
