#19b Gender-Based Violence and Informal Workers - part 2

Published: Dec. 2, 2020, 6:54 a.m.

b'In the second episode of the mini-series, the Informal Economy Podcast: social protection joins the \\u201c16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence against women\\u201d. We bring a series in two parts to talk about how gender-based violence impacts informal women workers and what they have been doing to face this important challenge, especially in a year marked by the Covid-19 global pandemic.\\nLast week, we brought you the first part of this series, where we talked to Sonia George. Now, in the last part of the series, we talked to Oksana Abboud. Oksana is the international coordinator of StreetNet International, a global alliance of street-vendors that supports national associations and unions of street vendors, market vendors and hawkers.\\n\\nReferences\\n\\n16 Days website https://16dayscampaign.org/\\nWIEGO page on the 16 Days campaign https://www.wiego.org/16DaysCampaign\\nILO Convention 190 https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C190\\n16 Days advocacy guide https://16dayscampaign.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/OFFICIAL-CWGL-2020-16-Days-Campaign-Advocacy-Guide.pdf\\n\\nStreetNet Position document (pre-C190 adoptiton)\\nhttp://streetnet.org.za/2019/06/05/streetnet-position-on-the-ending-violence-and-harassment-in-the-world-of-work/#more-11352\\n \\n190 process - On the ILO Plenary:\\n- Lorraine Sibanda, StreetNet President: https://ilo.cetc.stream/2019/06/14/ms-sibanda-representative-streetnet-international/\\n- Sonia George, SEWA: https://ilo.cetc.stream/2019/06/14/ms-george-representative-women-in-informal-employment-globalizing-and-organizing/'