SUMMER OF 1876 BOOK | Book Tour, Bestseller Horror Story

Published: May 3, 2023, 8 a.m.

b'In this episode about Chris Wimmer\\u2019s book, \\u201cThe Summer of 1876,\\u201d he reveals plans for a (mini) book tour and tells a story about the secrets behind The New York Times Bestseller List.\\n\\n(Mini) Book Tour:\\n\\nJune 7, 2023 \\u2013 Deadwood, South Dakota \\u2013 The Adams Museum\\n\\nJune 15, 2023 \\u2013 Durango, Colorado \\u2013 Maria\\u2019s Bookshop\\n\\nPre-order until May 29, 2023: The Summer of 1876\\n\\nEsquire Magazine: The Murky Path to Becoming a New York Times Bestseller\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'