EPISODE497 - Radio Joe and the Z-man – Using Building Science & EPA’s Moisture Control Guide to Improve Indoor Air!

Published: Oct. 11, 2018, 4 p.m.

Today Radio Joe and the Z-man will be discussing how to solve indoor environmental quality problems by using building science fundamentals and the “EPA Moisture Control Guide”. To get at the root of IEQ problems you must understand buildings and building science. Today we will discuss some great information from people like Joe Lstiburek, Terry Brennan, Bill Rose, Mike McGuinness and Lew Harriman. We start with an overview of building science concepts that will help you solve problems. Our foundation will be the 4 P’s (people, pollutant, pathway, pressurization). From there we will go into how to use the wealth of information in the EPA “Moisture Control Guide” and then go through some case studies. On a future show we will get into how to include the information in your reports