EPISODE409 -Paul Handerhan -VP Pub. Pol. -FL Assoc. for Insurance Reforrm

Published: April 8, 2016, noon

When it comes to homeowner insurance issues Florida is often in the spotlight. Paul Handerhan serves as Vice President of Public Policy for the Florida Association for Insurance Reform. FAIR is a nonprofit association that works with policy makers to bring balanced solutions to the difficult Florida property insurance market. As the association's founder, FAIR has grown from a start-up consumer group with a few dozen members to a powerful force for balanced insurance reforms. FAIR works to reduce property insurance rates by reducing risk, while ensuring that the interests of insurance consumers are protected. The FAIR policy model is to consult with all stakeholders to find balanced solutions with support across the political spectrum. In addition to its expansive legislative reform agenda, FAIR is the driving force behind bringing PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) programs to Florida, which has a PACE statute that allows for wind mitigation property improvements in addition to renewable and sustainable energy improvements.