EPISODE312 - Brian Baker, A Canadian Perspective of IEQ, HVAC

Published: Jan. 24, 2014, noon

Brian Baker is owner of Custom Vac Limited of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mr. Baker has been in the HVAC and IAQ industry for almost 40 years and is a huge education advocate. His list of training and certifications is extensive as is his hands on experience in this industry. We got to know Brian through his passion for IAQ Radio and realized he has something special to offer our listeners. Knowledge of HVAC is vital to evaluating IAQ issues and very few have Mr. Baker's combination of experience and education. We want to know what his real world experience has taught him about the state of IAQ in Canada, how it compares to the US, what works and what doesn't and much more. Brian taught HVACR related courses for the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES) Winnipeg Chapter. In 2009 he opened Westech Energy Training Center where he currently teaches 5th Class Power Engineering, Preparation for Residential HVACR, Refrigerant Handling Certification, and manages the education/training for RSES Winnipeg Chapter via an on-line Internet delivery platform. Join us this week on IAQ Radio and LEARN MORE about how IAQ and HVAC come together in the real world.