IFH 243: How to Make SERIOUS Money as a Filmmaker

Published: May 29, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

How to Make Money as a Filmmaker

I always get asked,

"How to make money as a filmmaker or can you make money as a filmmaker?"

The short answer is yes, of course, you can but will it be easy, HELL NO! What's a filmmaker to do? I've been able to develop an over 20-year career making money as a filmmaker. So if I can do it you can too. In this podcast episode, I go into details on all the money making ideas filmmakers can do to make money. I give examples, tell stories and show you how I and other filmmakers make money today. Here are a few things I go over in the episode.

Film Crew Work

Production Assistant
Department PA
Production Office PA
General Crew
Film Office Work

I go over the details of my film office job and what amazing things happen because of it
You meet and network with industry people
Film Production Company

I discuss my first job at a production company and how it launched my career
The value of interning
How you can leverage this job into a profitable freelance career
Skilled Freelancer

Learn a skill (Editing, Camera, Props, Grip. etc)
Find a skill and brand yourself
Building Your own production Company

Become a “Predator: Producer - Director - Editor
You and a camera, some lights and editing gear and you are now a production company

Corporate Jobs (Not fun but they pay)
Duplass Brothers Story
Music Videos (creative but little cash)
Create a web commercial for a local company for FREE at first, if you are just starting out
Build your showreel and gain experience
Weddings or Event Filming
Stock Footage Creation

Amazing Side Hustle
Passive Revenue Streams
Borrow a camera or buy a camera and shoot on your downtime
Find unique locations around where you live
B-Roll and RAW footage from old project sitting on a hard drive
BlackBox – Make Passive Income From Your Footage
Online Content Creator

Very creative
Find an audience and serve the audience
It's a long game
Do it on the side hustle at first
You WILL NOT GET RICH but it’ll help build your brand and show your skills
Don’t write off doing FREE Projects

I'll tell you my Snoop Dogg Story
Enjoy and I hope it helps you make some cheddar!