176: Google is CLUELESS about messaging!

Published: Dec. 6, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

b'Google\'s "famed" chat app Allo is about to bite the dust in March 2019 and if you\'re a user of it, I have no remorse. Google is terrible at messaging and support for their "pet projects" and they\'ve shown us time and time again that they cannot create a platform of this magnitude. Why do we continue to hop on the bandwagon? At this point, it\'s safer not to. Read more here: https://www.blog.google/products/messages/latest-messages-allo-duo-and-hangouts/ ||\\nLet\'s continue our discussion! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram at @dexter_johnson and visit http://DexJohnsPC.com to stay on top of my latest blog posts about the world of technology.\\nShare this podcast with a friend!'