168: Your intro to Biohacking!

Published: Nov. 11, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

b'"Biohacking is what you get when you combine biology with hacking. It\\u2019s a way for individuals to effectively \\u201chack\\u201d their bodies to achieve certain goals.", Source SupplementPolice. Whether you realize it or not, if your tracking things that deal with your biometrics including what you eat, number of steps, amount of sleep -- you\'re an active member of the Biohacking community -- but what does it all mean? Read more here: https://supplementpolice.com/health-guides/biohacking/ and visit the Biohacking sub-Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/?st=JOD7QU17&sh=ba097ab3 ||\\nLet\'s continue our discussion! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram at @dexter_johnson and visit http://DexJohnsPC.com to stay on top of my latest blog posts about the world of technology.\\nShare this podcast with a friend!'