Episode 29 _ Cricket and Tech

Published: July 21, 2021, 3 p.m.

Hello and welcome to our Podcast- number 29  in a series of podcast's bringing you information about Microsoft products and services, new technology and some great top tips from the team.  This episode will be hosted by Nigel and this week standing in for Tom, Greg from the Microsoft Evangelist team.  Our Podcasts will include regular guests from our own team, specialists across the wider technology industry and fellow specialists from our partners.
In this weeks episode, we are delighted to be joined by Neil Saunders from our Microsoft field team. A passion for Neil is  cricket and has been a big part of his life. In this episode we discuss how technology is playing a crucial role both from the National game all the way to the grass roots level.
We hope you enjoy the show.

Episode is Live

Published: Jul. 05, 2021 @ 3PM Edit


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